Thursday, September 27, 2007

Doggone Good News

bad dog frida is celebrating its one-year anniversary this Sunday, September 30, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. I’m sure owners Carmen Alcalde and Sue Hunter will have their five dogs on hand to celebrate their howling success.

The bright and cheery store was a welcome addition to the Atwood neighborhood that previously lacked a store with “really cool things for good dogs and their people.” Check out the celebration (the first fifty visitors score a goodie bag) and find twenty-five percent off most items in the store, raffle prizes and “tasty treats for dogs and humans!”

If you’re interested, read my column here or watch a Window Shopping TV segment on the bow-dacious shop.

bad dog frida, 2094 Atwood Ave. 442-6868.

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